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Absolutely Everything You Need To Start Playing Is Included
Simply put, why pay more? Gammon Percussion offers complete full size adult drum sets at amazing prices with all of the support you've come to expect. There has never been a more affordable way to buy a complete full size drum set. As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. For a list of Gammon retailers, go here.

America's Best Seller!
FULL ADULT SIZE Drum Set comes with Everything Included that you need to start playing. Nothing else to buy! Look at these great features:
22"x14" 16 Lug Bass Drum
5 1/2" x 14 Wood Snare drum
12"x10" and 13"x10 Mound Toms with Adjustable Tilt Memory Locks
Adjustable Tilt Memory Locks
16"x16" Floor tom
2-12" Hi-Hat Cymbals
1-14" Crash/Ride Cymbal
Double Braced Snare Stand
Cymbal Stand
Chain Driven Hi-Hat Stand
Chain Driven Bass drum pedal
Drummer's Throne/Stool
A Pair of Drum Sticks
Drummers Key
High gloss finish

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